Classic Chordsmen Sing to Premier Employee in Elmira

Randy Kirch's picture
December 23, 2016 - 8:09pm -- Randy Kirch

The Classic Chordsmen sang Christmas Carols and Happy Birthday to Marlene Martin at Premier Equipment in Elmira. It was a surprise planned by her huspand Glen who also gave her flowers. A cake was also given to Marlene from Premier. The Classic Chorsdsmen (Rich Hubick, Dennis Dueck, Art Groff and Ray Brenneman) had a good time as did Marlene ,Glen and the employees who watched. If you want the Classic Chordsmen to sing at your event call Dennis at 519.748.6809 or Art at 519.884.1348.

or email [email protected] or text 519.502.9645 

Contact us

Twin City Harmonizers 

Contact Paul Tunks, text or call 519.222.9126
g[email protected]




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